Our works

Throughout its extensive history, Enkel Group has tackled numerous architectural challenges, with each project presenting opportunities for improvements and innovations in various aspects. Every construction undertaken stands as a clear testament to the potential of Mass Timber construction and reflects the quality of systematic and automated work.

Anastasio Resort

The expansion of this resort in José Ignacio was swiftly and sustainably built using CLT (Cross-Laminated Timber system), enabling us to meet the client’s needs while creating a positive impact on the environment and the end users.

Vista de afuera de Resort Anastasio, José Ignacio Uruguay. Construido con sistema de madera contralaminada CLT
Entrada de Posada José Ignacio Uruguay.. Edificio de tres plantas construido con madera contralaminada CLT

José Ignacio Lodge

It’s the first three-story CLT (cross-laminated timber) project built in South America. This project is based on resource optimization, speed of construction, and a commitment to the environment.

Montoya Reserve

We optimized the construction with pergolas and Glulam beam structures, minimizing waste and achieving an exceptional result. A visually aligned solution with the Reserve’s proposal.

Vista de arriba de estructura de pilares metálicos de la Reserva Montoya

House in San Nicolás

We took care of every detail in the construction of this house, from the assembly of all the Mass Timber to the implementation of thermal insulation, waterproofing, and installation of facades. A solid and comfortable result that will stand the test of time.

Imagine Educational Center

Designed to house an educational center, the Aldea del Pinar project stands out for its design and adaptation to its surroundings: nestled within a pine forest. We took charge of the design and construction of this entire Woof Fram project, achieving an entirely innovative result for both the construction and education sectors.

Cúpulas del Centro Educativo Imagine en Uruguay, innovador proyecto realizado en Wood Frame
Vista de frente de vivienda construida por Enkel Group en un gran predio en Manantiales Uruguay

House in Manantiales

We worked on this project to develop a house using a traditional system with a combination of concrete and stone, featuring high-quality finishes. The outcome resulted in interior and exterior spaces with cozy environments.

The VIK Inn

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  • Construction system  Traditional
  • Construction Homes
  • Construction area 770 m²
  • Time of execution 12 months

Housing in Rincon del Indio

We intervened and almost completely redesigned a two-story home, expanding its rooms and incorporating new spaces and details that gave new life to the home.

Farmhouse on Route 12

Using Wood Frame as the main system, this home was built with waterproofed panels in our facility. An innovative and effective development thanks to the incorporation of new technologies.

Vista desde el patio trasero de vivienda en chacra ruta 12 con Wood Frame como sistema principal
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